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What is Inventory Kitting?

Inventory kitting is a strategic inventory management approach that involves bundling together multiple inventory items or components into a single unit. This simplifies the process of selling or using these items together, enhancing efficiency in various industries. By creating kits, businesses can streamline their operations, reduce errors, and improve customer satisfaction.

Inventory Kitting in Knowledge

In Knowledge ERP, inventory kitting is a powerful tool that allows users to create and manage kits effortlessly. Here's how it works:

Definition of Kits: Users can define kits by specifying a unique code, a name, and an optional price for the kit. If the price is left blank, it will be automatically calculated based on the price of the individual inventory items within the kit.

Components Selection: The heart of inventory kitting lies in selecting the components that make up the kit. Knowledge ERP users can choose from various components, including inventory categories, inventory SKUs, or even other inventory kits. This flexibility ensures that kits can be tailored to specific needs.

Efficient Inventory Management: Once kits are created, they can be used to remove multiple inventory items at once. This can be done either manually within Knowledge ERP or through the streamlined process of a sales order.

Real-World Examples of Inventory Kitting

  • Electronics Retailer: An electronics retailer bundles together a smartphone, charger, and protective case as a "Mobile Essentials Kit." Customers can purchase the kit instead of selecting individual items, saving time and ensuring they have all they need.
  • Catering Services: A catering company creates kits for different events, such as a "Breakfast Meeting Kit" that includes pastries, coffee, and utensils. This simplifies the order process and ensures all necessary items are packed together.
  • Manufacturing: A manufacturing plant uses inventory kitting to assemble components for production. Instead of picking individual parts, workers can grab a "Production Kit" containing all the necessary materials for a specific job, reducing errors and improving efficiency.

Inventory Kits vs. Pre-Assembled Kits

Inventory kits and pre-assembled kits are both valuable tools for inventory management but serve different purposes:

Inventory Kits are collections of inventory items bundled together for convenience. Items within kits remain separate in inventory and can be part of multiple kits simultaneously. Kits are typically used for selling groups of items that are packaged together after purchase.

Pre-Assembled Kits represent a single inventory item created from multiple components. When a pre-assembled kit is added to inventory, the related inventory items are used up during the creation process. Pre-assembled kits are ideal for products assembled from various parts, where tracking the finished product is essential.

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